
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

My Mojo



I seem to have lost my mojo.

If anyone has seen it please let me know.

But seriously, I've been really stressed out lately with school and everything and I am feeling a bit low on energy and enthusiasm.

InshaAllah this feeling with pass once school is done, but I think it will be rough the next couple of weeks.

Please make du'a for myself and the rest of our stressed out sisters

Jazakum Allah khair


Twizzle said...

ahhhh such is the life of a student!! :D

inshallah you just focus on your studies and get through these next coming weeks!!

May Allah keep you healthy and strong :D

incidentally, I always procrastinated my studies and started studying or writing essays on the last day or two before instead of taking my time!! ahhh I stressed myself out so much but I actually do better under pressure anyways.

Rukhpar Mor said...

InshAllah you will get through this=)

Wafa said...

InshAllah things will be better and the stress will go away soon .

Take care of yourself and your studies :)

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